Ms Parker contacted us when she was charged with bribing a group of youths to trash the home of her boyfriend, Police Sgt Bede Haughey, after he dumped her. It took all of about five minutes to work out that her story just didn't add up.
She boasted to us of having group sex with serving Police officers while they were on duty, using Police uniforms, truncheons, handcuffs, etc, as sex aids, often in the actual Police station. She told us she'd been charged with stealing a Police uniform, but she told us that the uniform, handcuffs etc, was acquired during the group sex sessions at the Police station by her willing cop mates.
She bleated that Sgt Haughey had cheated on her and set her up. The first part was undoubtedly true - but we were skeptical about the set up bit from the word go, and our suspicions were confirmed when Parker was convicted - not once, but twice, for her crimes.
The first thing Parker did on being released from prison was set up a facebook page claiming to address Police misconduct, as an outlet for her spiteful vendetta of revenge against Haughey and his mates. We were alerted to this early on by people who were concerned about the "advice" she was dishing out, privacy concerns, etc. These concerns escalated when we started to see evidence of the incompetent standard of 'work' Parker was delivering - we were provided with material she had written and encouraged people to submit to the Courts that was frankly laughable, not to mention largely illiterate, irrelevant, rambling nonsense that put people in a worse legal position instead of 'helping' them. Here's just ONE example of Parker's incompetent attempts to 'help' people, at this link.
Our organisation gets results and we've got the evidence to prove it. Parker is a sly manipulative fake.
Parker is a self focused sociopath - as the Judge pointed out - an egotistic narcissist - like other deluded half wits. She and her recruiters seem to spend all day trawling social media for suckers they can fleece - like Parker's mate Grace Haden. They insist of being in charge of things rather than contribute to group collaborations, they have their own political agenda and backstab anyone who gets in the way, they use others to do the work but ensure that they take the credit for it - Ariana Paretutanganui Tamati is another good example, Grace Haden another. They copy and plagiarise other people's work and ideas while dishing out their inept and incompetent "legal advice", scamming s much money out of gullible and vulnerable victims of injustice and corruption as they possibly can. One look at the 'terms and conditions' of interaction expressed on their websites confirms this.
Like the Pied Piper, these idiots lead the more gullible members of the community, particularly those of the left side of the political spectrum, straight up the garden path, and then they laugh all the way to the bank - they are richly rewarded by their handlers. Anyone who entrusts their personal information to Parker or listens to her advice is taking a very big risk indeed. Like most undercover agents, Parker is given a certain amount of fake credibility, but more people are seeing through the smoke and mirrors every day, and making the connections.
This post will be updated shortly with links to more of the Court decisions refered to above, and other of Parker's failed efforts to "help" others, because vulnerable people need to know who they are dealing with before they hand over authority to act, or sensitive information, to malicious idiots like Shannon Laing Parker..
Shannon, it is Rose Black Phillip Saleh's on and off. I've been in Phil's home working and many times I am the only person feeding him, and helping him in house. You were very quick to forward comments I had made to you regarding Phillips treatment of me. If you cant get that Phil has another side to him then I understand why you got done by POLICE. Because you are still too stupid to accept other truths from other sources regarding the integrity of Phil's case. How is it that the Police are harassing him when the man in fact literally split my face open I have then gone and told Police I hurt myself. Why did I do that ? It is because of Phils willingness to lie on face book and put the sole blame onto me. I was an innocent person when I met Phil, he hunted and chased me and refused to take NO for an answer. Yet you keep what he tells you as true and correct, well you are obviously a stupid person because you haven't spotted the lies in just about everything Phil says. If you actually believe Phil does not abuse then its no wonder you did time. You got to realize I do genuinely care for Phil but whatever Phil accuses Police of doing to him, he does to me 1000000 times worse. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ because what I have told you is true and correct. So carry on like the silly B THAT WENT TO PRISON. And NO I've got nothing to gain from lying to ya, you didn't have to shit stir though. You just couldnt wait to pass it all on to Phil, you going the wrong way lady.....AGAIN